Why Not?: How to Use Everyday Ingenuity to Solve Problems Big and Small (Harvard Business School Press 2003) (with Barry Nalebuff). Buy a copy. Also published in Portugese as “Você Pode Tudo” (Negocio Editora), in Spanish as “¿Y por que NO” (Empresa Activa), in Korean (Sejong), in Japanese (Hankyu), in Chinese (The Commercial Press), in Bulgarian (Klasika and Still), in Chinese (China Times), in Estonian (Tanapaev), in Italian (Il Sole), in Korean (Sejong Books), in Russian (Williams Publishing), and in Thai (AR Business Press).
Read the New York Times review: “Daredevil Ideas from the ‘Anti-Dilberts’”
Read my high school’s coverage of a Why Not talk: Finding Solutions in Search of Problems
Book Excerpt: Ideas Waiting to Happen, Forbes 127 (Oct. 27 2003) (with Barry Nalebuff).
Book Excerpt: A Role on the Board for the ‘Loyal Opposition,’ Directors & Boards 32 (Fall 2003) (with Barry Nalebuff).
Book Excerpt: Problem Solving: What Would Croesus Do?, Darwin (Nov, 2003).
“Is Legal Creativity Possible,” Olin Lecutre, University of Michigan Law School (Sept. 11, 2003) (Video clip)
Bloomberg TV Interview (Oct. 25, 2003) (Video clip)
NPR Weekend Edition Interview (Nov. 1, 2003) (Audio clip)
Post Your Own “Why Not” Idea to our webboard for possible inclusion in our next column or see a list of other “Why Not” ideas at Forbes. Read a law school article about the Why Not? project.