
Audio/Video Clips/Photos:

Ian Ayres’ Mental Health Matters (2023)

Videos of Ayres’s “A Law Student’s Toolkit” and “American Contract Law” courses are available here and here.

Ian Ayres’ Three Central Investment Mistakes (And How to Mitigate their Prevalence) at the Financial Literacy Seminar Series presented by The Federal Reserve Board and The George Washington University School of Business (May 4, 2017)

Ian Ayres’ Perineal Pressure presentation (Yale Law School, 2015)

Ian Ayres’ Innovation Sticks presentation (Yale Law School, 2015)

Ian Ayres presenting with Antonia Rose Ayres-Brown Unhappy Meals (Yale Law School, 2014)

Ian Ayres’ Beyond Diversification presentation (Yale Law School, 2014)

Ian Ayres’ Carrots & Sticks slideshow presentation from YLSAV on Vimeo.

Ian Ayres’ Carrots and Sticks: Unlocking the power of incentives (2011)


Ian Ayres’  Lifecycle Book Interview (with Barry Nalebuff, 2010)

Ian Ayres’ Super Crunchers Interview (2008)

Downloadable Press Photos (to download right click and select “Save Target As”):

Ian Ayres (tif)

Ian Ayres & Jennifer Brown (tif)

Jennifer Brown (tif)

Public Radio Commentary for Marketplace:


YouTube Super Cruncher Interview

Guestblogger for NYTimes’s Freakonomics, Balkinization, and Lessig blogs.

Blogcasts: CT Civil Unions,

Audio Discussion of Insincere Promises Book

“Is Legal Creativity Possible,” Olin Lecutre, University of Michigan Law School (Sept. 11, 2003) (Video clip)

Bloomberg TV Interview (Oct. 25, 2003) (Video clip)

NPR Weekend Edition Interview (Nov. 1, 2003) (Audio clip)